Corrupt prosecutor gets suspended sentence

A prosecutor from Călărași was given a four-year suspended sentence and fined 300,000 lei for passive corruption. The state prosecutor asked for and received €300 in order not to appeal a sentence, IPN reports.

The criminal case was initiated in December 2022 by the interim prosecutor general, following an accusation that the prosecutor asked for €300 in order not to appeal the Strășeni Court’s judgement of December 8, 2022 to accept the denouncer’s request for judicial rehabilitation and cancellation of the criminal record.

The prosecutor was caught in the act of taking the money and the court ordered the confiscation of the funds.

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, the criminal investigation lasted for three months and the trial lasted for nine months. The defendant did not admit his guilt.

By the decision of the first court, the prosecutor was also banned from holding public office for a period of seven years. The sentence can be challenged in the Court of Appeals.

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