Convicted swindler escapes from prison

A man sentenced to 7 years and 8 months' imprisonment for fraud is on the run after escaping Prison no.9, also known as Pruncul Jail, on Sunday morning, Info-Prim Neo learned from a press release of the Correctional Institutions Department. Alexandr Lanovoi, 39, had the right to leave the prison unescorted to go to work. His absence was noticed during the traditional roll-call at the workplace. Prison staff together with Correctional Department and police officers have launched a manhunt to find the escapee. Upon his recapture, the man faces an additional jail term. The Correctional Institutions Department is asking anyone with information on the inmate's whereabouts to call 559068 or 559070. On July 23 another Pruncul inmate went on the run but was recaptured three days later. He also enjoyed the right to leave the prison unescorted.

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