The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) has announced a contest to fill the vacant post of member of the Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio Moldova”. Applications can be submitted to the Council’s head office, at 46 Vlaicu Parcalab St in Chisinau, by August 21, IPN reports.
The applicants must be citizens of the Republic of Moldova, know the official language, not have a criminal past and have higher education in such areas as culture, arts, cinematography, journalism, law, financial management and management of commercial organizations, public relations, international relations, academic sciences, the mass media and engineering.
The candidates should not be MPs, members of the Government and of the BCC, should not possess shares in particular commercial organizations, should not work for the public broadcasting institution or another radio or TV station and should not be party members. They must have at least five years’ working experience in the area from which they come.
The Supervisory Board is the administrative body of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio Moldova”. It consists of nine members who are selected at a contest and are confirmed to post by Parliament, for a four-year term. This is now functional with eight members.