The regulations concerning the holding of a contest to select candidates for the post of governor of the National Bank of Moldova and the public announcement concerning the contest are to be published on the Parliament’s website on October 9. Immediately after the publication, the contenders can start to file applications. The announcement was made by the head of the candidates selection commission Stefan Creanga after the meeting where the regulations were finalized, IPN reports.
The candidates for the post of governor of the National Bank will be selected at a free and transparent contest, based on the criterion of meritocracy. The candidates must meet the following conditions: have higher education, bachelor or similar degree; know preferentially English; have seniority in the financial-banking sector, and be citizens of Moldova.
The file must contain the candidate’s application, the CV, the copy of the identity card, the copy of the university diploma, the copy of the employment record book or other documents showing length of service of at least 10 years in the financial-banking sector, the statement on the conflict of interests and a clear view on the situation in the financial-banking sector.
Executive director of the independent think tank “Expert-Grup” Adrian Lupusor, who is a member of the candidates selection commission, abstained from voting for the regulations because a number of the proposals that he submitted were rejected. One of the proposals was not to accept candidates who had formed part of the administration of a bank during the past year. Another proposal was to interview the candidates in an open meeting so as to make the commission members more responsible.
The deadline for submissions is October 29. The applications must be submitted to 162 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Blvd (Ministry of Agriculture), ninth floor, office 909, or to the email address