Consular Section of Embassy of France in Moldova stops work

The Embassy of France in Moldova notified the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the fact that its Consular Section in Chisinau will stop work on July 1, 2016, IPN reports.

According to the Embassy, the consular powers will be transferred to the Consular Section of the Embassy of France in Bucharest. The Embassy of France in Chisinau will yet continue to ensure the consular protection of the French people who are in Moldova.

Thus, for consular services the citizens of Moldova are to go to the Consular Section of the Embassy of France in Bucharest, which is located at 6 General Christian Tell St, sector 1, or by calling (0040-21) 303 10 00. The Section works from Monday through Friday, between 8:30am and 1:00pm and between 2:00pm and 5:30pm.

For other details, the Moldovans can also call the Call Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration on 080090990 (free call) and +373 22 788 722.

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