Constitutional Court sends back PLDM-PSRM initiative on amendment of Constitution

The Constitutional Court identified technical inadvertences in the text of the bill to amend Articles 78, 85 and 89 of the Constitution that was submitted by the parliamentary groups of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) and the Party of Socialists (PSRM). The articles refer to the election and dismissal of the President of Moldova by universal, equal, direct, secret and freely expressed vote, IPN reports.

Thus, the Court sent back the joint initiative of the two groups without examining it. “In the process of preliminarily examining the initiative, the Court ascertained technical inadvertencies in the text of the bill that make the examination of the application in the current form impossible,” it is said in the Court’s press release.

According to the Court, the bill contains a contradiction concerning the adoption method  as it provides two solutions that exclude each other: the parliamentary way and by referendum. Thus, the title of the bill says that the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova is the presumptive authority that can adopt the law to amend the Constitution, but the preamble of the bill says the law is adopted by the people. It is thus not clear how the authors intend to make amendments to the Constitution.

The Court asked that the deficiencies should be removed. The reviewed bill is to be signed again by the subjects that can initiate the revision of the Constitution.

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