Constantin Borosan: We have introduced mandatory strategic gas reserves to prevent energy blackmail

The Republic of Moldova has made it compulsory by law to build up strategic gas reserves, a measure designed to ensure the country's energy security in the face of external risks. The statement was made by Constantin Borosan, State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, during a public debate on "The first lessons of the energy crisis in the Eastern region", organized by IPN news agency. According to the official, the decision was taken as a result of pressure exerted by the Russian Federation on natural gas deliveries.

Constantin Borosan emphasized that Russia's energy blackmail has led the country to strengthen its energy independence and diversify its supply sources. The Republic of Moldova now has the possibility to purchase gas on the free market at the most advantageous prices.

"The most important element in a crisis is to have reaction time. That is why we have introduced in the legislation the obligation to have strategic gas reserves. Unfortunately, in our country we do not have the infrastructure to store gas, but the law stipulates that we can store gas reserves in a neighboring country, Romania and/or Ukraine," Constantin Borosan said.

According to the official, the strategic reserves must cover consumption for 10 days of the winter season, which is considered sufficient to find alternative supply solutions.

"The volume held must be sufficient for 10 days of the winter season, with winter being the peak season. It was agreed that 10 days are enough to sign another supply contract or if there are technical problems, in 10 days they can be solved," the Energy Ministry state secretary said.

Borosan emphasized that over the years, Russia has exerted pressure on Moldova through gas deliveries. In the long term, however, this strategy has proved counterproductive for the Kremlin, as Chisinau has managed to strengthen its energy capacities and eliminate its dependence on a single supplier.

"In the short term, I think Russia, the Kremlin, has gained some advantages. But in the medium and long term these actions have led to a total failure. Because we have achieved liberalization, that is, we can leave a monopolist at any time, we have given up a single gas supplier. In addition, Gazprom lost the European market", concluded Constantin Borosan.

The public debate on "First lessons of the energy crisis in the Eastern region" is organized within the project "IPN News Agency for social cohesion and pro-European Moldova", funded by IMS.

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