Consolidation of the migration of well-educated young people is being witnessed in the Republic of Moldova. Therefore, we have very big population quality losses and these changes can have a very negative impact on the socioeconomic development of the Republic of Moldova during the next decades, the director of the Demographic Research Center Olga Gagauz said in an article published by IPN.
According to her, migration reached considerable proportions in the Republic of Moldova. Owing to this brain exodus and the population decline, the Republic of Moldova would be less attractive for investment because the number of people able to work is low and the market is small.
“We face population aging. We will have more people for whom the pension will be the main source of income. This can cause a decline in the demand for different services and goods. Respectively, this will have a negative impact on production,” stated Olga Gagauz.
The depopulation of rural areas and concentration of the population in several settlements, especially in the capital city, will cause population declines and problems related to the accessibility of medical services and services to satisfy the needs of the elderly in peripheral settlements. So far, the demographic processes were mainly affected by the unfavorable socioeconomic situation. During the future decades, the impact of the demographic factor on the economy and society in general will be greater because the whole society will be in a way dependent on these changes that took place in the demographic context of the Republic of Moldova.
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the declaration of Moldova’s Independence, IPN News Agency decided to depict the portrait of the current Republic of Moldova. For the purpose, it provoked a number of people, including state officials, politicians, businessmen, civil rights activists and persons without posts and titles, but who have what to say. The generic picture is called “Thoughts about and for Moldova”. The articles started to be published on July 18.