Conflict between National Olympic Committee and Taekwondo Federation to be examined by Court of Arbitration for Sport

The conflict between the National Olympic and Sports Committee and the Taekwondo Federation of Moldova will be examined by the Court of Arbitration for Sport based in Lausanne, the Federation’s president Igor Iuzefovici announced in a news conference at IPN.

Igor Iuzefovici said the conflict appeared when the Federation’s main coach Vladislav Mazur was dismissed because he purportedly appropriated the incomes of other coaches. He registered athletes trained by other coaches as his own and transmitted the list to the Ministry of Sport. “We addressed the World Taekwondo Federation and this deprived Mister Mazur of license. The conflict arose as a result of this,” he stated.

Afterward, the executive committee of the National Olympic and Sports Committee decided to exclude the Taekwondo Federation from the Committee. Consequently, the Federation filed a complaint to the Court of Arbitration for Sport based in Lausanne. “We for several times tried to resolve the conflict with the Committee. Our representatives attended the meetings of the Committee’s legal commission, of the executive committee,” stated Igor Iuzefovici.

Coach Stefan Raileanu told the same news conference that Vladislav Mazur, being delegated to serve as an international referee at one of the most important tournaments in Europe, “Belgium Open”, presented erroneous data in order to have access to the arena. The incident is being examined by the European Taekwondo Union. “I’m sure that besides the punishment that was already imposed on him, there will also be other consequences as this case is unordinary,” he said.

Federation member Vitalie Dragoi said they repeatedly tried to settle the dispute between the Taekwondo Federation and the National Olympic and Sports Committee.  “We had to defend our rights and to submit a complaint to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. We have to lose time instead of concentrating all our efforts on training for the Tokyo Olympics of 2020,” stated Vitalie Dragoi.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne will pronounce sentence on October 3 this year.

  • igor iuzefovici despre conflict.mp3
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