Communists seek Marian Lupu’s dismissal

The Communist MPs submitted a draft decision whereby they demand discharging Marian Lupu from the post of Head of Parliament. One of the authors of the bill Sergiu Sarbu has told Info-Prim Neo that Marian Lupu flagrantly violated the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, Info-Prim Neo reports. One of the invoked reasons is that on December 16, 2011, before the initiation of the procedure for electing the President of Moldova, Marian Lupu, who was a candidate for the presidency, put forward the initiative of showing the ballots before putting them in the ballot box. The Communists also say that even if all the circumstances for dissolving the legislature appeared, Marian Lupu refuses to start the dissolution procedure. The draft decision was included in the agenda of the March 21 meeting of the Parliament’s legal commission for appointments and immunities. Sergiu Sarbu said the Communist lawmakers will not attend the meeting. Under the Constitution, the Speaker can be dismissed by Parliament by secret vote by at least two thirds of the votes of the MPs.

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