Communists insist mayoral runoff in Chisinau was held with violations

The position of the Communist Party voiced before the Balti Court of Appeals today is that the runoff elections for Chisinau Mayor were held with violations, mainly because of the absent curtain in front of polling booths, which, the Party insists, violated the secret vote principle. In response, the Liberal Party argued that the Communist Party hadn't submitted any formal complaint against the alleged violation of the right to vote. Communist Party attorney Sergiu Sirbu said he possessed enough evidence to confirm the violations, including multiple complaints from voters who deplored the absence of the frontal curtain. For his part, Liberal attorney Ion Casian stated his party insists and can prove that the elections were held in a free and fair manner, and without violations. Today at 11:00AM the Balti Court of Appeals began hearing the Communist Party's appeal against Dorin Chirtoaca's re-election as Chisinau Mayor. At 1:00PM the hearing was on-going.

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