Communist journalists demand that Vlad Filat negotiate release of Ernest Vardanean with Igor Smirnov

About 30 Communist journalists came together in front of the Government Building on April 20, demanding that the executive takes step to set free journalist Ernest Vardanean, who was arrested by the Transnistrian security forces, Info-Prim Neo reports. The editor of the newspaper “Comunistul” Alexandr Isaev, the leader of the group of protesters, said that Premier Vlad Filat did nothing to support or contribute to the release of Ernest Vardanean. “They (the governors – e.n.) made only statements, saying they can do nothing,” Alexandr Isaev said. The journalist considers that the Moldovan constitutional authorities must provide moral and financial support to Ernest Vardanean’s family that is now is a difficult situation. According to him, Vlad Filat must agree on a meeting with the Transnistrian leader Igor Smirnov and then set up a commission that will coordinate the assistance offered to the arrested journalist with the international organizations. Another participant, journalist Stanislav Vajga said they want to sensitize the authorities and the society. He considers that the authorities should at least hire a lawyer for Ernest Vardanean. Dmitri Cavruc, the editor of the paper “Puls”, which is the platform of the Union of the Communist Youth, said the Moldovan authorities’ attitude is inadmissible and they will stage protests until the freelance journalist is set free, if need be. A communiqué issued by the Government’s press service says the Moldovan authorities monitor the situation of journalist Ernest Vardanean and make effort to release him. “Since the journalist was arrested, the administration of the Government and Prime Minister Vlad Filat personally have mobilized to set the journalist free, including by employing diplomatic levers.” The communiqué also says that the Government considers Ernest Vardanean’s arrest is inadmissible and pleads for his immediate and unconditional release. Ernest Vardanean was arrested by the Transnistrian security forces on April 7 on suspicion that he “betrayed the state by spying for Moldova.” Two days later, the arrest warrant for Vardanean was extended for two months. He faces up to 20 years in jail.

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