The Communist councilors say the two former faction colleagues from the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), who created the group of Socialists, were bribed and offered important posts, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“I personal was phoned by envoys of influential persons from the CMC and offered a huge sum of money for voting for the decisions proposed by those from the alliance. Colleagues of mine were also phoned,” producer Valentin Todercan, who is a member of the Communist faction, told a news conference. He expressed his conviction that the ‘traitors’ of the PCRM will get the post of deputy mayor and large sums of money in several months.
The Communist faction’s head Boris Golovin said the leader of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon played an important role in this situation and obtained certain advantages from this ‘political bargain’. “Dodon fulfilled the political order of the AEI leaders. He thus provided support to the alliance, which has a shaky position in the municipal bodies,” said Golovin.
The Socialists reacted to the Communist councilors’ statements. In a communiqué, the Party of Socialists says that the criticism leveled at them represents the PCRM’s frustration. “The Communist Party’s aggressiveness and provocative actions show that this party is more and more controlled by the Tkachuk group, which has a pathological inclination for destruction and political chaos. Unfortunately, Mister Vladimir Voronin became hostage of this group that controls both the parliamentary group and the municipal faction. Vladimir Voronin is in danger in his own party owing to the intrigues of his monstrous ideologist,” reads the communiqué.
On January 30, Elena Danu and Petru Dontsov announced they decided to leave the Communist faction and to constitute the group of Socialists on the CMC.