Common vote for Victor Popa is a step towards reconciliation, political analyst

The common vote of the MPs of the PLDM, PL and PDM for naming Victor Popa as judge of the Constitutional Court represents a step towards reconciliation, said the director of the Institute of Political Consultancy and Analysis “Politicon” Anatol Taranu, quoted by IPN.

”A notable event took place in Parliament today. The former Alliance for European Integration voted unanimously. It wasn’t an occasional vote for a bill. The Liberal Party’s representative was elected as Constitutional Court judge even if this person wasn’t supported by the largest faction of the former alliance until recently. It was indisputably a step towards reconciliation,” the analyst said in the program “Good Evening” on Moldova 1 on March 29.

Anatol Taranu considers that if the members of the former alliance hadn’t reached an agreement, that common vote wouldn’t have existed and this shows that a new or in fact the old parliamentary majority is being constituted.

According to the director of IPN News Agency Valeriu Vasilica, the political crisis is close to an end. The parties of the former alliance do not want this crisis to last and the solution is close to being identified. But it’s not yet clear where the balance inclines to: towards early legislative elections or the constitution of a new parliamentary majority with the same players. “Neither the three parties of the former alliance nor the opposition party want this state of suspense to go on. In this suspense, the political potential of everyone diminishes,” said Valeriu Vasilica, adding that the common vote for the Liberal Party’s candidate for constitutional judge is a relevant example.

Ion Dron, head of the Center for Initiatives and Public Authorities Monitoring, expressed his skepticism about the ability of the former components of the AEI to overcome the crisis by forming a new ruling alliance. He said that he personally will be disillusioned if this happens because the given parties lost credibility and the right to rule further.

Victor Popa was named Constitutional Court judge by 51 votes in favor. He will be sworn in at the April 4 sitting of Parliament. The Communists voted against Victor Popa.

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