Commemorations of Nistru war victims start today

Events to commemorate the victims of the Nistru war started today, February 27, in Chisinau with the First “Peace Dove” Festival. Officials and veterans laid wreaths of flowers at the Military Museum in Chisinau and released 386 doves into the sky in memory of those who died in the 1992 hostilities, Info-Prim Neo reports. Eduard Maican, the chairman of the National Union of the Independence War Veterans, the organizer of the festival, said “a soldier that takes an arm in his hands dreams of peace and of returning home alive”. “Those days were horrifying. But we had to stand guard to protect the country. We fulfilled our duty to the people”, said veteran Veaceslav Platon. Victor Chilinciuc, another veteran, expressed his hope that the doves which were released into the sky would be the messengers of peace, for “peace and health are the most precious gifts that a military man can dream of”. As part of the “Peace Dove” Festival, which started with a minute of silence, students from George Meniuc High and the Military Institute Alexandru cel Bun held a literary and musical performance. An exhibition of doves was also staged, with support from the Association of Pigeon Breeders. Many veterans and war widows received financial aid. The armed conflict on the Nistru, fought between Moldova and pro-Russian separatists on the left side of the river, started on March 2, 1992 and ended with a ceasefire agreement signed between Moldova and Russia on July 21, 1992. According to Moldovan officials, 287 persons died in the Nistru war, approximately 40 were reported missing, and 3,500 were injured and disabled. The Moldovan Parliament recently declared March 2 as Memorial Day.

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