Media directors and editorialists call on the Liberal Party, the Liberal-Democratic Party and the Moldova Noastra Alliance to be more active and more united in the last week of campaigning. Thursday they stated at a a news conference that “the ones having decided to vote and the ones having not expect a joint message of unity and and cohesion in and after the election to be sent by those three political parties,” Info-Prim Neo reports.
“We have never made a secret of advocating struggling journalism and now in the present political and geo-political conditions in Moldova, to play the equidistant and impartial guy seems to me at least professional cowardice,” said Timpul newspaper director Constantin Tanase. “I mean the journalists commenting on the politics. Heaven forfend! I did not mean the reporters making news. The opinion shall be clearly separated from news,” the columnist has specified.
Euronova Media Grup's director and Journalists Union president Valeriu Saharneanu has said “two distinct poles have shaped as the campaign is ending: the Communist pole of continuous disarray and poverty and the democratic pole of the Liberal parties meaning an essential change for better.” “Our message is political, but related to the future and we, the journalists, want to send a signal to parties and society that we want a normal society after April 5, with genuine democracy, where all the media should work in normal conditions,” said the Journalists Union's president.
“According to all the estimations, three democratic parties will take over the power in Moldova, and this makes us, the journalists, view this action with responsibility,” said Jurnal de Chisinau newspaper director Val Butnaru. “After April 5, Jurnal de Chisinau will be the first to switch to the opposition to the new governance,” added Val Butnaru, immediately supported by the other speakers, who assured they “will help the new rule to get rid of corrupt and incompetent people.”
“For the last 8 years both we, the broadcasters, and the listeners have felt what a Broadcasting Coordinating Council serving the Communists means. If till April 4, 2005, there still were democratic media promoting the national values, then for the last 4 years, they vanished. I mean Antena C and Euro TV,” said Radio Vocea Basarabiei's manager Veaceslav Tabuleac.
According to an opinion poll published on March 24, apart from the Communists, three democratic parties will enter the future legislature: the Liberal Party, the Liberal-Democratic Party and the Moldova Noastra Alliance. “No vote to small parties and independent candidates, since every vote will be at the price of gold,” said editorialist Constantin Tanase.