Code of Urbanism and Constructions passed in first reading

Parliament adopted in the first reading the draft Code of Urbanism and Constructions. The document consists of two parts. The first regulates the development of territories and settlements, while the second refers to urban planning, IPN reports.

Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Construction Anatolie Zolotkov said in Parliament the procedure for obtaining building authorizations will be simplified, while the number of necessary documents will be reduced.

The goal of the new code is to establish a unitary framework for urbanism, for the quality of constructions and building materials. For the settlements with a population of up to 5,000, the procedure for drafting the urbanism documentation will be simplified. The settlements that have urbanism documentation will not need an urbanism certificate for starting works. Where there is no urbanism documentation, an urbanism documentation study will be carried out.

There will be one stage of accepting the carried out works instead of the current two. The acceptance commission will be constituted by the investor and will mandatorily include a representative of the local public authorities and specialists of the State Building Inspectorate.

The ecology norms concerning the use of building waste were modified. Thus, the designing, erecting and demolition of buildings will be performed so that the materials could be reused if they do not contain pollutants with dangerous emissions.

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