The Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections – Coalition 2009 expresses its concern about the situation around Pro TV Chisinau, as the Broadcasting Council (BCC) decided to auction its frequencies. The Coalition asks the BCC not to allow derogations from the legislation, not to interpret it and to abstain from adopting any decision on the Pro TV case, until the Supreme Court of Justice gives its verdict, Info-Prim Neo quotes a statement of Coalition 2009.
Coalition 2009 reminds the BCC that Pro TV is one of the few media outlets equidistantly and pluralistically having covered the social and political situation from this country in the run-up of the recent elections, and the events after them.
“We draw the BCC’s attention that its decisions in Pro TV’s case have already triggered negative reactions in society and protests of citizens, media and political parties.”
Coalition 2009 asks the authorities to ensure the right to free expression, implicitly the freedom of opinion and the freedom to receive and communicate information/ideas without the interference of the public authorities. The authorities are also reminded that these rights are consecrated by the Moldovan Constitution, the European Convention of Human Rights, the Copenhagen Document (1990) and other international treaties Moldova is part to, and this is an essential pre-requisite to ensure a free and fair electoral process.
Coalition 2009 draws the authorities’ attention that the Resolution of the European Parliament of May 2009 requires “…halting any intimidation of the channel Pro TV and any other threats regarding prolonging its license …,” underlines the importance of the media’s independence and recommends “... taking additional steps to guarantee the editorial independence of all media services, including Teleradio-Moldova...” in order to create a free transparent and pluralist frame for the Moldovan media.
Coalition 2009 is a voluntary union of Moldovan NGOs that aim to contribute to free, fair, transparent and democratic elections for the Parliament. It continues the activities promoting free and fair elections initiated by Coalition 2005 and Coalition 2007 and has over 70 NGO members.