CNAS will receive applications for reexamination of pensions this Saturday too

Specialists of the local houses of social insurance will receive applications for the reexamination of old-age pensions from persons whose pensions were set after January 1, 1999, but they continued to work and have an insurance period of at least ten years after this date on July 18 too, between 7am and 4pm. The Call Center will work in the same period and will answer any question about social benefits, IPN reports.

In a press release, the National House of Social Insurance (CNAS) says the local houses of social insurance by now received 12,540 applications of the estimated 13,575, primarily in the municipalities of Chisinau and Bălți. The rise in the pension after reexamination depends on the length of the insurance period and size of the salary from which social insurance contributions were paid.

The persons who will not manage to file such an application by the end of July, can do it the next months too. Under the legislation, the new pension is paid from the month coming after the month the application and the necessary documents are submitted to the local house of social insurance.

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