CNAS: Recipients of unemployment benefit and patent holders can collect money

The National House of Social Insurance (CNAS) transferred 39.6 million lei in unemployment benefit for 14,100 recipients who became entitled to such benefit for the period of the state of emergency and for almost 3,000 officially unemployed persons. The unemployment benefit will be paid only until June 30, IPN reports, quoting a press release of the institution.

Benefit can be also collected by 2,587 holders of entrepreneur’s patent who work in trade and/or service provision at markets and shopping centers that stopped work for the period between May 16 and June 30, 2020 in accordance with the decisions taken by the National Extraordinary Commission for Public Health. This category of beneficiaries monthly get by 2,775 in unemployment support, proportional to the non-worked days, on condition that they didn’t have insured income in April 2020.

The unemployment benefit is paid by the CNAS according to electronic lists through payment service providers working in Moldova. If the recipient didn’t choose a payment service provider, the benefit is transferred to the post office.

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