CNAS presents special program of work with citizens

The National House of Social Insurance (CNAS), through the agency of its local subdivisions, on April 29 resumes the work with citizens under a special regime. The reopening to visitors of the front offices of local houses of social insurance (CTAS) will take place in stages and by separating the categories of beneficiaries. The measures were taken in a move to prevent the spread of COVID-19, IPN reports.

In a press release, the CNAS says the local houses of social insurance on April 29 and 30, between 8am and 2pm, will serve only the recipients of pensions and social benefits and the applicants for death benefit.

From May 4 to May 8 inclusive, between 8am and 2pm, there will be served the recipients of maternity benefit and allowances intended for families with children.

During May 11-15, from 8am until 2pm, there will be served again the recipients of pensions and social benefits and the applicants for death benefit.

In the period, the recipients from CTAS Soroca, CTAS Glodeni and CTAS Ştefan Vodă will not be served given that the three towns are in quarantine. The work with citizens will be restarted when the quarantine is lifted in the given towns.

After every two hours of work with citizens, the CTAS front offices will be closed for ten minutes for disinfection and airing out works.

During the state of emergency, the beneficiaries will be able to enter the CTAS front offices only with protective masks and gloves and will have to respect the social distancing measurers inside and outside the offices.

As from May 18, 2020, all the local houses of social insurance will work as usual if the state of emergency is not extended. Depending on the epidemiological situation, the CNAS will additionally inform about the program of work.

The National House of Social Insurance recommends the young parents to ask for allowances intended for families with children through the electronic service “e-Application Allowances for Families with Children” so as to avoid contamination with viral infections.

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