​​​​​​​CNAS launches specialized call center

People who have questions regarding the establishment, calculation or payment of temporary disability benefits can get information by dialing the phone number: 022 257 777. The specialized call center was launched today, September 13, by the National Social Security Office.

According to a CNAS press release, the Call Center's working schedule is Monday to Friday, between 8:00 and 17:00. Phone calls are charged at regular landline or mobile rates, while the number can be dialed from any settlements of the Republic of Moldova or from abroad.

As of July 1, 2019, according to legislation changes, the regional social security offices establish, calculate and pay the indemnities for temporary incapacity for work from the state social insurance budget, starting with the sixth day of medical leave caused by temporary incapacity for work. This refers to common illnesses or accidents not related to work. The benefits are paid by the CNAS to the beneficiaries through payment service providers.

The Call Center is funded by CNAS and is an experimental project. CNAS is open to feedback in order to improve the activity of the call center.

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