The National House of Social Insurance (CNAS) started to operate low-value public procurement procedures in electronic form through e-Auction, which is an electronic procurement platform for public and private companies, in a move to ensure efficiency and better prices, Oleg Baxanean, deputy head of the House’s General Activity Monitoring and Public Procurement Division, stated for IPN.
According to Oleg Baxanean, the procurement procedures by open public tender contests and by price bidding are managed by the electronic procurement system of the Public Procurement Agency. The electronic procedures contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of the business community, attracting more patricians to auctions.
The e-Auction platform was launched within the MTender project that is implemented under the aegis of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, with support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Among the emphasized benefits of electronic procurement is the ensuring of transparency throughout the bidding process, from the announcement to participation and signing of the contract. The reduction of the price in an electronic procedure is normal owing to the transparent and participative process.