The Chisinau City Council (CMC) decided today at an extraordinary meeting to allocate the money that Termocom requested for partially settling the debt owed to Moldova-Gaz. With 36 million lei allocated, the municipality still owes Termocom 140 million lei.
On November 4, Termocom disrupted supplies of hot water and heat in parts of Chisinau, claiming its gas supply had been cut off by Moldova-Gaz over debts.
Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca convened today the CMC's extraordinary meeting after having issued a letter guaranteeing partial settlement two days earlier.
At a press briefing ahead of the CMC meeting, the mayor explained his decision to urgently summon the city councilors by saying the situation was still blocked as he was told at Moldova-Gaz that the guarantee letter had been “lost somewhere in the administration department”.
The mayor went on to add that the deadlock was preplanned, while Moldova-Gaz treated unfairly its clients, since it cut off Termocom's supply over a debt of 36 million lei, whereas the power plants owe more than one billion.
Even with the debt partly settled, heat remains a sensitive issue on the municipal agenda as the municipality opposes a rise in the heating charge solicited by Termocom.