Clarification for future pensioners who are outside Moldova

The National House of Social Insurance (CNAS) provided explanations for the citizens who reached retirement in accordance with the Moldovan legislation, but who, being now abroad, in states with which Moldova signed bilateral social security agreements, cannot return home owing to the suspension of the passenger transport owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, IPN reports.

Under the legislation of the Republic of Moldova, as of July 1, 2019 the standard retirement age for men has been 63, while for women 58 years and six months. The retirement age for women is annually raised by six months so that it will be 63 in 2028.

In a press release, the CNAS says that for the old-age pension to be set, the persons should file an application together with the required documents to the responsible institution of the contracting state. In this case, the applicants can choose to be transferred the pensions to the state where they have the domicile at present, attaching the necessary bank details.

To learn more about the retirement conditions, the persons can access the “Pensions” division on the website of the National House of Social Insurance. The addresses of the responsible institutions to which the applicants can go if they meet the retirement conditions are also available on the CNAS’ s website.

Currently, the CNAS applies 12 international social security agreements signed with Romania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Luxemburg, Austria, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Belgium, Lithuania, and Germany. These envision the provision of the same types of social guarantees for migrant workers and pensioners as for the citizens residing in the Republic of Moldova.

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