“Civil status” trafficking

Ministry of Interior’s (MoI) fraud investigation department of fraud investigation has uncovered a fraudulent scheme through which citizens were illegally requested 100 lei for paperwork issuance at the Cahul Civil Status Office, reports Info-Prim Neo. According to a communique from the MoI, several thousands of Cahul district residents were forced to pay 100 lei for their documents to be processed in emergency terms, while the office’s employees created artificial queues. In order to avoid the massive queues at the booths, the citizens were suggested to pay 100 lei each, at the local library, but the process was caught in action by the police. Criminal proceedings were started on the case, on the charge of “influence traffic”. The suspects risk a fine of up to 60,000 lei or up to 6 years in jail. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, Alexandra Bacioi, deputy director general of the Registering Department of the Civil Status Service, said that an internal investigation ensued, and employees from the Civil Status Service headquarters will travel tomorrow, August 23, to Cahul in order to analyze the circumstances. For now no one was dismissed.

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