Civil society demands publishing AEI agreement

A number of civil society platforms made a call, demanding publishing the agreement on the formation of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) 3 that was signed by the PL, PLDM and PDM on July 23. In a news conference at IPN, representatives of civil society said this document is public in character.

Ghenadie Turcanu, deputy head of the NGO Council, presented the call, saying Moldova’s European course is the only correct direction for developing the country and thus they demand making the accord and all its annexes public.

The NGOs call on the newly formed alliance to undertake the priorities from the previous government program and other priorities needed to ensure the country’s European course and its development. The alliance is asked to step up the efforts to efficiently implement all the initiated reforms, in accordance with the best European practices, especially in the justice sector, to fight corruption and to ensure the functionality of the National Integrity Commission.

In another development, the signatories request that the public integrity and the criteria of equitable representation of women and men should be part of the algorithm used by the parties to designate candidates for posts that are political in character.

During the first 100 days of the formation of the Government, the AEI is asked to adopt the package of laws that introduce the minimum gender representation quota and amend the legislation on party funding by decreasing the cap on private donations. It is also requested to set the mechanism of implementing the 2% law in accordance with the good European practices and the package of laws on media ownership transparency and to adopt a new broadcasting code.

As to the government program, civil society asks to be consulted about it and also asks launching the process of constituting the National Participation Council and other forms through which the civil society organizations are consulted over the next few weeks. The NGOs said they will attentively monitor the negotiation process and the implementation of the government program and will react to any inconsistency or deviation in the reform implementation process.

The call was signed by the National NGO Council of Moldova, the Anticorruption Alliance, the Platform for Gender Equality, members of the National Participation Council 2012 – 2014, the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections and the Legal Resources Center of Moldova.

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