The users of public services can receive notifications of events related to the provision of services or other relevant events from service providers, public institutions and authorities through the governmental electronic notification service MNotify. The service is free and can be accessed on, IPN reports.
Dumitru Postu, project manager of the e-Government Agency, said the service is intended for public service providers, businesses, end-users who interact with public institutions. The citizens can be informed about the status of an application submitted to a public institution, particular notices of debts the person has, etc.
To send the notifications, MNotify uses such channels as the email, the person’s portal, push notifications, SMS messaging or instant messaging. According to Dumitru Postu, with MNotify the public authority does not need to choose the channel through which the user will be informed as the citizens choose themselves the channel that will be used and also the hour and date.
The obligation of the public authorities is not to collect other contact data of users, if only through MNotify. These data will be stored on a separate platform managed by the Government, which will be reused by all the public authorities.
Andrei Duca, of the State Tax Service, said their institution will maximally use the MNotify service so as to limit contact with the citizens and to improve the quality of their services and adjust them to people’s needs.
Diana Munteanu, head of Moldova’s Post Office Payment Services Management Division, noted MNotify is welcome, especially amid the pandemic.
The e-Government Agency earlier launched such services as e-Vignette (online payment of vignette), MConnnect (exchange of data between authorities) and MSign (electronic signature).