Church celebrates Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel

The Orthodox Christians who follow the Julian calendar observe the Feast of Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel on November 21. This is the last great feast before Advent that starts on November 28. Contacted by IPN, bishop of the Chisinau Church “Saint Hierarch Nicolae” Petru Storoja said the Christians are expected to come to the church on this day, especially those who bear the names of the Saint Archangels and who celebrate the house day on this day.

The Eastern Orthodox accord Michael the title “Archistrategos” or “Supreme Commander of the Heavenly Hosts”. In Christianity, Gabriel is God’s special messenger, while Archangel Michael is the greatest of all the Archangels and is honored for defeating Lucifer in the war in heaven. He is one of the principal angelic warriors, seen as a protector against the dark of night, and the administrator of cosmic intelligence.

It is believed that the feast dates from the 5th century and started after the blessing of a church dedicated to Saint Archangel Michael by the Roman Emperor Arcadicus of Constantinople (395-408). Afterward, the name of Saint Archangel Gabriel was also included in the calendar and the feast was extended to cover the entire group of saints.

In Moldova, there are over 79,000 people called Michael and 1,064 people called Gabriel or Gavril.

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