Chronic diseases are main cause of death among women

Chronic diseases are the main cause of death among women worldwide. According to a study by the World Health Organization, breast cancer is another important cause of death among women. It appears principally as a result of stress and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Contacted by IPN, head of the Specialized Ambulatory and Medical Rehabilitation Assistance Department of the Health Center “Galaxia” Luminita Suveica said the women suffer from chronic diseases most often because they are preoccupied more with the family than with the own state of health.

The stress is another cause. “The women’s nervous system is much more emotive and sensitive. The women react faster to stress situations. They more often suffer from depression and overcome such conditions with difficulty. The family and children are the women’s concern,” said Luminita Suveica.

She urged the women to eat more fruit and vegetables, to do physical exercises and to avoid eating too much salt and fats as well as to see doctor for ordinary examinations at least two times a year. “I call on the women not to smoke. An increasing number of women now smoke. Smoking also causes different diseases,” stated the doctor.

Global life expectancy for women is 80 years, while in the African countries is 56 years. In Moldova it is 74.9 years.

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