Christmas Caravan is on its way

The traditional Christmas Caravan will depart from Chisinau to the children living in boarding schools and remote villages. The action is organised for the 10th consecutive year by the Children Foundation “Clipa Siderala” and is supported by companies, organisations and people who wish to gift the needy children Christmas presents. The Christmas Caravan will depart from the Central Square in Chisinau starting at 9.00 each day from December 17 to 24. Rada Bondarciuc, the executive director of “Clipa Siderala” Foundation, said at a press conference on Tuesday that this year the Caravan’s theme will be “The Caravan of Good Will – with Love from the Capital”. While 10 years ago the boarding schools lacked food and clothing, these problems have been solved for the most part. The children, however, are lacking communication, said Rada Bondarciuc. The Caravan organisers are willing to carry out communication activities in order to integrate the children into the society. Students from various universities will train the children in choosing a profession; will inform them on children rights and human trafficking prevention. Students from Chisinau are also participating in the Caravan for 6 years now, said Svetlana Nazaria, senior expert at the City Department for Education, Youth and Sport. In the previous years, the Christmas Caravan reached about 5 thousand children in need from the whole country.

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