Christians celebrate Nativity of the Theotokos

The Orthodox Christians following the modern Gregorian Calendar celebrate the Nativity of the Theotokos or the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21. This is one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Eastern Orthodox liturgical year that marks the beginning of the Church year, which started on September 1, and of grape harvesting, IPN reports.

According to the sacred tradition of the Orthodox Church, Mary was born to elderly and previously barren parents by the names of Joachim and Anna (now saints), in answer to their prayers.

It is said that the prayers to the Mother of God by those who want a child are listened to particularly on this day. On this feast, the people use to go on pilgrimage to monasteries and take fruit, bread and candies to the church for being blessed. The faithful go to church in the morning to attend the service and to kneel before the Icon of Virgin Mary.

“I came to church to pray to Saint Mary for my soul, for cleanness, for my family’s wellbeing. All those who bear this name should come to church and pray for the forgiveness of their sins so as to feel more restfully,” parishioner Maria has told IPN.

“I came to attend the service as this is a great feast. The Blessed Virgin Mary protects and helps us,” said Liubovi.

“I pray today for forgiveness, for soul purity and for freedom. I know that they do not make fire today so as not to cause tragedies. We should light a candle in the morning, if we cannot go to church, and have the Mother of God in our thoughts,” stated Tatiana.

The people say the Nativity of the Theotokos represents the astronomic border between summer and autumn and the moment when the autumn agricultural works should start. On this day, the men do not do work through home, while the women do not sew and do not do the laundry.

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