Chisinau Youth Orchestra opens summer artistic program

Members of the Chisinau Youth Orchestra (CYO) on June 25 surprised the passengers of a number of trolleybuses running in Chisinau and passersby in the center of the city. They played classical music at different musical instruments. By the Musical Trip event, they kicked off the artistic program of this summer, IPN reports.

The musical experiment that involved 30 instrumentalists was conducted simultaneously on four trolleybus lines. In trolleybuses, the instrumentalists played the morning Adagio by Edvard Grieg. Afterward, the four groups of artists came together in front of a shopping center in Chisinau and played a cover of Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson.

CYO founder Adriano Marian said the orchestra has staged such events intended for the people who do not have the occasion of listening to classical music live for the fifth consecutive year.

The summer program of the CYO includes six summer concerts that will be given in Chisinau and Oradea (Romania) and a concert in Kassel (Germany).

The first concert will take place in the Dendrariu Park in Chisinau on July 17. The Chisinau Youth Orchestra closes its artistic program on August 1.

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