The section of București St between the streets Mitropolit G. Bănulescu – Bodoni and Maria Cebotari will be inaccessible to vehicle traffic between August 1, 10pm and August 2, 6am in connection with the works to rehabilitate engineering networks managed by S.A. “Apă - Canal Chisinau”, IPN reports, quoting the Chisinau City Hall.
Also, the heat pipes at the intersection of Dimitrie Cantemir Blvd and Lev Tolstoi St will be under repair during August 1 – 7.
The section of Albișoara St between Iu. Gagarin Blvd and Ismail St will be closed between 8am and 5pm on August 2 due to topographic street elevating works.
During August 3 and November 2, the section of 2 Cramei St between the streets Moara Roșie and Cramei will also be inaccessible to traffic.
Drivers crossing then area are asked to obey the temporary road signs placed there.