The animal-protecting Moldo-German charity foundation “Laika” offers to help in sterilizing the stray dogs from Chisinau. The project is to be carried out from July 15 to September 30, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to the waste-carrying Autosalubritate municipal enterprise chief, Tudor Maniv, the effects of the campaign will be insignificant, as the City Hall must keep looking for new solutions to the problem.
They plan to catch some 20-30 dogs nearby kindergartens, schools or in places where the dogs attacked people. After sterilization, the animals will be supervised for 3 days more and then will be set free. The sick vagrant dogs will be killed.
“One cannot solve a problem of ten years in two months only,” mayor Dorin Chirtoaca said. “If not all the dogs are sterilized, but only a part of them, the expected result will not be obtained,” he added.
They have not decided yet on the City Hall's contribution, as Autosalubritate is to present the expense estimate in this regard till week-end.
Asked by Info-Prim Neo, the manageress of Laika foundation, Tatiana Manastarla, has hesitated to unveil details of the campaign invoking that the discussions with the local authorities were not finished yet. On July, they are to hold a new meeting to share the tasks.
The municipal authorities say there are some 20-30 thousand vagrant dogs in Chisinau.