Chisinau pensioners suspend protests until Friday

After protesting for about two hours in front of the Chisinau City Hall and for another two hours in front of the Government, the pensioners gave up going to the Parliament as they planned in the morning. They decided to suspend the protests until Friday, October 23, when the MPs will come together for a new sitting, Info-Prim Neo reports. While at the Government, the pensioners demanded that the officials tell them when exactly the pensions will be raised. “The people voted for you and put their trust in your. You should bear responsibility for the decisions made by the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), which worsened the situation of the pensioners and invalids,” said protest organizer Maia Laguta, who heads the NGO “Salvgardare” (“Safeguard”). As no one came out to talk to them, the protesters dispersed. Maia Laguta told the reporters that she will demand that the Parliament annul the law allowing the parliamentary parties to be financed from the state budget, that the Presidential Office be 'liquidated' as it uses 15 million lei monthly from the state budget, as she said, and that the number of MPs be reduced from 101 to 51. After the CMC on September 15 decided to increase the water and sewerage charges and to exclude the pensioners from the list of people who travel by public units of transport free of charge, “Salvgardare” has staged at least 10 protests.

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