Chisinau's general mayor, Dorin Chirtoaca, the vice president of the Liberal Party (PL), stated he will enter the parliamentary race in 2009 to bring to an end what PL planned 2005, on Wednesday, June 18, Info-Prim Neo reports. “I will take part in the electoral campaign, but I will remain the mayor of Chisinau. After elections I will further attend to solving the municipality's problems,” Chirtoaca has said, specifying that within the context of a new configuration within the Parliament, the municipality will cooperate with the central authorities.
Asked to comment the crisis in the Municipal Crisis (CMC0, Dorin Chirtoaca has said the situation emerged because of the principled position of the democratic parties, including PL headed by Mihai Ghimpu, which, during one year, have promoted projects in the citizen's interests, not in the interest of certain groupings. “The group interests stood at the basis of the act of 6 June (when a group of councilors voted for the dismissal of Mihai Ghimpu from the position of CMC president – Info-Prim Neo's note). We'll watch that such approaches are not promoted in Chisinau. Of this majority (PCRM-PPCD-PCUM and PSD – Info-Prim Neo's note) goes on, they will have to assume the consequences for the incorrect management of public money,” the mayor said.
Asked to comment allegations about the central authorities' intention to remove him from the City Hall, Dorin Chirtoaca says he has no time to react to any threat or pressure. “One person cannot decide whether the mayor should be dismissed or not, even though that person may be the head of the state. The decision belongs to citizens,” he stated.
In the end, Dorin Chirtoaca has called on his voters to show patience, braveness and courage in attaining the main goal, to integrate into Europe and to join the family of European countries.
The statements have been made in the context of presenting his report on the one-year activity after being elected as mayor. He has held the conference in Public Garden “Stefan cel Mare.”