Children helped by their parents and educators of a number of Chisinau kindergartens staged an exhibition themed “Martsishor” at the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport on the occasion of the first spring day. The Division’s head Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb has told Info-Prim Neo that thematic exhibitions have been staged at the Division’s office for many years, depending on the season and the holiday.
“This year, we have a richer exhibition compared with last year. It is a context-exhibit with symbolic prizes. Two commissions will assess the works – one consisting of specialists and another one composed of students,” said Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb.
The head of the Preschool Management Division Florica Rusu said that a part of the exhibits will be given to children in hospitals and to special kindergartens situated in Chisinau. “We have kindergartens with round-the-clock program and sanatorium-like kindergartens for children suffering from different diseases. We will make donations to them. We cooperate with the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History and a part of the works will be added to the Museum’s national collection of martsishors,” she stated.
The exhibit includes works provided by 150 Chisinau kindergartens. Three prizes of 600 lei, 500 lei and, respectively, 400 lei will be offered for the best martsishors.