Chisinau in third and last preepidemic week

Moldova's capital city is in the third and last A (H1N1) flu preepidemic week. If the number of new cases this week exceeds 250, the anti-epidemic commission could declare a state-wide epidemic, the head of the Municipal Center for Preventive Medicine Iurie Panzaru said at Monday's meeting of the Chisinau services and divisions, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to Panzaru, Moldova passed the epidemic level set by the World Health Organization. The pandemic flu entered 37 kindergartens and 63 preuniversity education institutions. The disease affected also the schools in the settlements that form part of the municipality of Chisinau, Iurie Panzaru said. He also said that the people complain about anti-sanitary conditions in certain units of transport. In the same connection, the acting head of the Health Division Luminita Suveica said 712 cases of pandemic flu had been recorded in Chisinau last week. 318 of the patients were treated at home by family doctors. Suveica also said that 506 persons infected with pandemic flu have been treated in Chisinau hospitals since October 31. Two of them died in hospital as a result of complications. Seventy-seven beds are not available in hospitals for such patients. Chisinau received another 18,000 doses of Tamiflu that will be used for ambulatory treatment.

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