Chisinau hosts Benelux Moldova Forum. Investors encouraged to open businesses in Moldova

Chisinau on March 11 and 12 is hosting the Benelux Moldova Forum, an investment event that brings together over 30 international companies, businesspeople, investors, top managers and entrepreneurs interested in the economic opportunities offered by the Republic of Moldova. According to the head of the Investment Agency Natalia Bejan, the event will present the investment platforms so as to persuade as many investors as possible to open businesses in the Republic of Moldova.

As the host country, the Republic of Moldova will present its strategic sectors, investment platforms and the support scheme offered by the authorities to potential investors.

"We have three major directions. The first is related to Moldova IT Park, IT, digitalization, services. We already have many companies of the Netherlands and Belgium that are residents of Moldova IT Park," Natalia Bejan noted in the talk show "Common Objective" on TVR Moldova.

The state aid scheme for industrialization is another direction. "We have six specific industries for which the state provides support for investors. The third direction concerns infrastructure," said the head of the Investment Agency.

Natalia Bejan stressed that out of the €1.9 billion support package announced by the European Union for the Republic of Moldova, €100 million will be allocated as direct support for investors that want to contribute to the revitalization of the local industry.

"The state aid scheme is a powerful tool to attract investments. We already have the first applications that the Ministry of Economy will announce in the near future," said Natalia Bejan.

According to the head of the Investment Agency, at the Benelux Moldova Forum the participants will have the opportunity to explore opportunities for economic partnerships in such areas as information technologies, processing and export of vegetables and fruit, building, logistics, production lines, and energy infrastructure.

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