Chisinau councilor comes to express dissatisfaction at meeting of City Hall officials

As many as 1,800 illegal constructions are erected in the municipality of Chisinau, Communist councilor Victor Gurau said in the ordinary Monday meeting of officials of Chisinau subdivisions and services. The councilor came to the meeting accompanied by a number of persons who are protesting against the construction of buildings near the blocks where they live, IPN reports.

Victor Gurau gave as example the construction site located on Teilor St, not far from the Chisinau Court of Appeals, where a tall building is to be erected with a garage for about 60 cars of judges in its basement.

“Last week, I approached Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca and handed over to him again an official letter, asking that the construction works be stopped. Following complaints from people, it was established that four organic laws were flagrantly violated. The Court of Appeals started the construction works without the consent of the Chisinau Council and without the required normative documents. The people living at 6, 8 and 10 Teilor St were barred access to the road. This is a case of theft and high-level corruption at the City Hall,” said the local councilor.

The head of Botanica district Vladimir Guritsenko replied that all the documents needed for erecting the building were issued. Initially, the building was to have six stories, but, as a result of discussions with dwellers from the neighboring blocks, it was agreed that there will be constructed a three-story building. A garage for 40 cars will be constructed in the basement.

Mayor General of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca urged his inferiors to be more attentive when issuing construction authorizations as discontented people will always exist and they should have sound arguments as regards the legality of certain projects.

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