Chisinau Council will provide compensations for public utilities too

The socially vulnerable families and persons will receive compensations for public utilities from the reserve fund of the municipality of Chisinau, Info-Prim Neo reports. The proposal to provide compensations for public utilities in aid to socially vulnerable groups put up by the councilor of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Party (AMN), Oleg Cernei, was approved by the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) on March 20 and included in the new regulations of the reserve fund. According to the head of the general finance division, Maria Caraus, the stipulation regarding the public utilities was not included in the old regulations even if such compensations were allocated. Georghe Brega, councilor on behalf of the Liberal Party (PL), said he is against the inclusion of Oleg Cernei’s proposal in the regulations. However, he stated that this stipulation should exclude the compensations for heat because many people seek such compensations without having well-grounded reasons. According to Emil Gutu, councilor of the Social-Democratic Party (PSD), the phrase “socially vulnerable” included in the regulations must be replaced with a new one that would lay emphasis on the crisis situation in which any person can be, not only the socially vulnerable groups. He said that the amendment should point to the urgency of providing financial assistance to anyone in need. The reserve fund for 2008 includes 15.598 million lei, which makes up 1.2% of the basic expenditure of the Chisinau budget. The new version of the regulations concerning the formation and utilization of the reserve fund of the Chisinau municipality was adopted with the aim of implementing a number of CMC decisions following amendments to the legislation and interpellations from councilors. The document was adopted with the majority vote of the councilors attending (25 votes). This aroused the dissatisfaction of the councilors of the Communist Party, who said that the utilization of the reserve fund is a very important issue that cannot be addressed superficially and the document should be passed by at least 26 votes.

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