Chisinau Council votes municipal budget in first reading

The Chisinau councilors adopted the budget of Chisinau municipality for 2014 in the first reading. The budget provides for revenues of 2.6 billion lei and an expenditure of 2.8 billion lei. The budget deficit will be covered with money obtained from the sale of public patrimony and from foreign loans, IPN reports.

The municipality allocated 1.1 billion lei for education, up 30 million lei on this year. The spending in the area of social assistance will be 250 million lei, by 38 million lei more than in 2013. 52 million lei was earmarked for healthcare, as against 36 million lei this year.

A sum of 215 million lei will go to maintain and repair the roads, down 39 million lei on this year. 37 million lei will be used to clean the streets and remove the snow from them in winter, while 93 million lei will go for illumination.

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