A delegation of the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) is on a fact-finding trip to the Baltic capitals Vilnius (Lithuania) and Riga (Latvia), Info-Prim Neo reports.
The visit is part of the project “Building an efficient local administration for a modern urban development on the basis of the advanced experience in the region”, drafted by the Business Consulting Institute-Moldova (BCI), in cooperation with the Association of Local Communities from Latvia. The project is funded by Est-Est Pogram: Partnership without borders of the Soros-Foundation-Moldova and of the Soros Foundation-Latvia, and the UNDP.
The BCI director, Mihai Roscovan, mentions this project is one of those three projects worked out by the BCI this year for the CMC. The goal of the project is to ease the exchange of experience in applying successful practices of the local public administration to insure modern urban development. The delegation will learn of the info-management system, providing public services, planning skills, drafting and implementing urban development practices, ways of attracting funds from European structures.
The project will end by October, as representatives of Baltic capitals will make a similar fact-finding trip to Chisinau, where they will join an international conference. Mihai Roscovan warns the project may not be carried out because Chisinau’s general mayor did not accept to fund the expenses for the trip.