Chisinau Arena project is not an economic one, opinion

The project to build the Chisinau Arena is not an economic one and will not bring profit. If someone thinks this is a feasible project with revenues, they are wrong as, if it has been an idea that brought money, the stadium would have been built by private companies long ago, expert in economic policies Veaceslav Ionita was quoted by IPN as saying in the talk show “Black box”.

Veaceslav Ionita wondered if the Chisinau Arena, being unprofitable, would not turn into ruins as it happened to other important facilities, such as the Chisinau Circus. “I would like to see a feasibility study not of the spending of money, but of investment the recovery. I would like to see a feasibility study that would show that the Chisinau Arena could cover the maintenance costs with its revenues,” stated the expert.

According to him, full financial responsibility for this project is borne by the state. “Imagine that this is a loan repayable in minimum ten years and we repay it at an interest rate that we do not know now,” stated Veaceslav Ionita.

Stefan Gligor, programs director at the Center for Policies and Reforms, said a condition for taking part in the tender contest of the project is for the private company to be able to attract at least €50 million from banks or any other reputable financial institution. Given such a condition, there could be needed a new investigation as to the origin of the money that would be invested in the Chisinau Arena.

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