Chisinau accuses Tiraspol of not being disposed to solve problems in Security Zone

The Moldovan delegation to the Joint Control Commission (JCC) said the Transnistrian side is not ready to positively solve the problems existing in the Security Zone and this leads to the evident blocking of the Commission’s work and discrediting of the peacekeeping mechanism. According to representatives of the delegation, the composition of the Transnistrian delegation to the JCC defies the agreements reached earlier between the co-chairmen, IPN reports.

According to a press release of the Reintegration Office, the Moldovan delegation said the efforts made by the leader of Russia’s delegation were sabotaged by the Transnistrian side that had a provocative and unconstructive attitude and vehemently ignored the agreements reached during the previous meetings.

The members of the delegation said the Transnistrian side disseminated a statement by which it accused the Moldovan authorities of allowing operating unauthorized flights in the Security Zone by foreign aircraft, asking also to convoke the extraordinary meeting of the JCC. This proposal wasn’t supported by any of the components of the Commission.

In this connection, Moldova’s deletion reminded that in the February 11 meeting the JCC was informed about the flights that were to be operated in March – May 2016 in connection with works to photograph and scan by laser the real estate so as to update the cadastral documents.

The Moldovan delegation also issued a statement about the premeditated misinforming and the accusations of the Transnistrian delegation over the aforementioned flights.

In the April 21 meeting of the JCC, Cristian Mura, Lourens Shits and Anton Tomsen were confirmed as representatives of the OSCE Mission.  Also, the deputy head of the General Police Inspectorate Gheorghe Cavcaliuc was confirmed as standing expert of the Moldovan delegation to the Commission, while Andrei Petuhov as military observer on behalf of the Russian Federation.

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