“The Soroca Fortress is one of the places that do not need pompous words and long descriptions because it must be seen with the heart,” Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici said in the ceremony held to reopen the fortress located in northern Moldova, whose restoration has lasted for almost two years, IPN reports, quoting the Government’s press service.
According to the Prime Minister, the Soroca Fortress is a monument that connects the present and the future. Chiril Gaburici thanked the EU for financing the reconstruction project and the director of this museum complex Nicolae Bulat, who, for his part, said the project will continue as the Soroca Fortress will take part in the second stage of the Moldova-Romania crossborder project. During this stage, there will be reconstructed the wooden gallery around the main tower, purchased showcases and curtains and installed the samples of old arms and epoch objects.
Within the project to restore the Soroca Fortress, the towers of the fortress, the guard roads and the entrance stairs were repaired, the courtyard was laid out, while the terrace on the cellars was insulated. Stalls for children from Soroca district to sell things made by them were set up in front of the fortress. Three access roads to the fortress are being repaired with the 10 million lei allocated by the Government and the Soroca District Council.
The Soroca Fortress was reconstructed within the Transfrontier Project “Medieval Jewels: Hotin, Soroca, Suceava Fortresses” that is financed by the EU through the Joint Operational Program Romania – Ukraine – Republic of Moldova 2007-2013. The total value of the project is €3 million, €2 million of which was earmarked for the Soroca Fortress.