China observes day of national mourning for victims of COVID-19

April 4 was decreed a day of national mourning in memory of the victims of COVID-19 in China. President Igor Dodon addressed a message of condolence to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on this occasion, IPN reports.

“We are going through a period that is difficult for the whole world. Mankind is confronted by an unprecedented challenge and our concerted efforts show that only together and by being solidary we can overcome this period. On this day, which was decreed a day of national mourning by the administration of the People’s Republic of China, we are near the relatives and close people of those who were affected. We offer you our compassion and profound regret to the grieving families and speedy recovery to those who became victims of this pandemic,” runs the message.

In the name of the people of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon expressed his gratitude for the constant assistance and support provided by the Chinese government.

By April 4, COVID-19 caused 60,112 deaths worldwide. China reported 81,000 infections with COVID-19 and 3,326 deaths associated with the novel coronavirus.

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