Children of Ialoveni school poisoned by unidentified gas

Thirty-six children of an education institution of Costesti village of Ialoveni district were admitted to the hospital with gas poisoning on February 23. All those who were inside the school were evacuated. It’s not yet known what gas caused the poisoning.

Press officer of the Civil Protection and Emergencies Service Diana Turcan has told IPN that when the students got poisoned, there was a recess and these were in the school’s hall. Initially, 22 children were taken to the Mother and Child Institute in Chisinau. The other 14 were hospitalized later.

The children aged between 11 and 12 had stomachache, dizziness and nausea. Doctors said the patients’ state of health is medium and grave, but stable.

The circumstances of the leakage are being determined. A team of rescuers and a group of professional chemists travelled to the scene. These will collect evidence to identify the natural gas.

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