Special classes on violence against children will be conducted in all Moldovan schools from October 27 to 31. Nearly half a million people will learn how to prevent violence and how to act when someone is violent with them.
The drive is part of an initiative called “School – a no-violence environment,” launched last February by the Education and Youth Ministry in a partnership with UNICEF Moldova, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to Viorica Cretu, a UNICEF advisor, the action pursues to start a dialogue and to warn both the kids and their parents that violence is there and needs be countered. “Unfortunately, in Moldova, violence is a taboo. That is why we want a change in behavior, we want to reduce the number of violent people,” Viorica Cretu said.
Teachers from schools attended training courses on positive and non-violent disciplining and have rendered their know-how to colleagues.
Special brochures for pupils have been printed out “Let's grow without violence” meant for the 1-4 grades and “Adolescence without violence” for 5-9 grade students.
The materials promotes non-violent methods of settling conflicts, protection ways in case of physical, emotional or sexual violence, and have contacts of professionals and organizations specialized in protecting children.